The game is based on an Italian animated television series co-created by Iginio Straffi and Joanne Lee. The series follows Rose, a teenage girl from Earth who discovers a key which leads to FairyTale Land, where fairy tales come to life. She ends up at a prestigious school named Regal Academy. Rose finds out that she is the granddaughter to the headmistress Cinderella. Rose decides to enroll at Regal Academy and learn how to use magic while having adventures with her friends.
Extreme Parking Challenge
Magical Girls : Save the school
City Bus Simulator Bus Driving Game Bus Racing Gam
Pretty Box Bakery Game - Makeup Kit
Baby Taylor Little Santa Helper
Cricket World Cup Game
Solitaire Crime Stories
soccer shots 2022
Cars Parking Express
8 Pool Mania
Noob Ninja Guardian - Fighting Game
Line 98 Classic
Color And Numbers
Princess Fashion Rainbow Hairstyle Design
Hagi Wagi and Among Us
G2M Blue House Escape 3
BlackPink Chibi Claw Machine
Spookiz Jigsaw
Ricky Zoom: Room with a Zoom
Push It 3D
Kids Diy Stickers
Mushroom Forest Adventure
Finn & Bones
Christmas 2021 Puzzle
Help The Boy: Physics Puzzle
Hello Plant Physics Puzzle
Home Rush Draw to Home
The Squared
Infinity Trail Master